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Fundació Privada Umbele
Umbele Help Africa


The Foundation reports that Umbele plains located in the domain are owned by the Foundation, located in Cabrera de Mar, the Stroll Vinyals, number 9, and NIF G63537922 registered in the Register of Foundations of the Generalitat of Catalonia with the number 2015.


Umbele The Foundation assumes no responsibility for the material on these pages. This material:

  • Not necessarily offers comprehensive, complete, accurate or updated.
  • It contains, in some cases, links to external pages that do not have any control and for which rejects any responsibility.
  • Contains occasionally personal opinions of colleagues on which the Foundation Umbele not necessarily agree

However, Foundation Umbele is not responsible for any damage that may cause the user to an incorrect, erroneous or improper service on this Web site.
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Founded by Xavier Sala i Martín, full professor at Columbia Univeristy and associate professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, king Juan Carlos Economy prize winner.
* DEDUCTIBLE DONATION of income tax or corporation tax according to law.
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